Our Wedding Pledge

A Promise Beyond Celebration

Every time we are chosen to capture the magic of a wedding, we ensure the enchantment reverberates beyond the ceremony. A significant portion of our wedding photography proceeds directly fuels projects close to our heart, amplifying voices that often go unheard both above and below our planet's waters.


Our unwavering mission with Ocean Culture Life is to champion the conservation, protection, and enhancement of our marine environments. By striving to deepen the global understanding of oceanic challenges, we can pave the way for a harmonious relationship between humanity and the sea. Your support doesn't just fund a cause; it empowers a community of dedicated storytellers and guardians who work tirelessly to champion our oceans, an invaluable yet often overlooked treasure. By standing with us, you, too, are echoing the ocean's song, urging the world to listen more attentively.

Lumiere Collective

Empowering Change Through Captivating Narratives Stories have the power to reshape perspectives, to ignite change, and to craft a brighter future. Lumiere Collective harnesses this power, uniting creatives from every corner of the globe. Every tale we tell aims to bridge hearts, spark action, and illuminate the path to a more enlightened tomorrow.

Join us. Let every moment we capture at your wedding ripple outwards, creating waves of positive change. Your celebration becomes a catalyst, a beacon, for a better world. Together, we can give voice to the silent and weave stories that truly matter.